A joint research team formed by the Guangdong Province Education Department, the Guangdong Province Education Examination Authority, the Dongguan Bureau of Education, the Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB) and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA)visited ASJ (Dongguan) on the morning of May 13th, to access the current school operation regarding the implementation of HKDSE curriculum at ASJ (Dongguan).
Leaders and experts including the Deputy Secretary for Education of the EDB, Ms. Teresa CHAN, the Secretary General of the HKEAA, Prof. Xiang-dong WEI, theOfficer of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of the Guangdong Province Education Department, Ms. Wei-hua ZHA, the Deputy President of the Guangdong Province Education Examination Authority, Mr. Shao-bin FAN, and the Deputy Director of the Dongguan Bureau of Education, Mr. Run-jiang DU, participated in the research. Ms. Grace AIK (School Supervisor), Mr. Jonathan LAI (Chief Principal), and Ms. Hina PATEL (IB Principal) from ASJ (Dongguan) accompanied the visit.
香港特区政府教育局副秘书长陈慕颜、香港考试与评核局秘书长魏向东、广东省教育厅一级主任科员查为华、广东省教育考试院副院长范韶彬、东莞市教育局副局长杜润江等领导、专家参与了本次调研工作。东莞暨大港澳子弟学校执行理事易丽华、总校长赖炳华、外籍校长Hina PATEL等学校相关领导陪同参观。
The research team was given a campus tour by Mr. Jonathan LAI, to get an intuitive understanding of the school facilities and the teaching environment at ASJ (Dongguan).
An in-depth discussion was held after Mr. Jonathan LAI gave a presentation on school development. In return, the research team gave valuable advices on the HKDSE curriculum, student assessment and issues related to the DSE school-based assessment.
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