Breathing dirty air causes the premature death of at least 1,200 children across Europe each year, and many thousands more are afflicted with physical and mental health problems that could have lifelong impacts, according to the latest assessment of air pollution by the European Environment Agency.
Gerardo Sanchez Martinez, an expert in environment and health at the EEA, said: “You can’t think about children as little adults, when it comes to air pollution. They receive more pollution, and it starts in the womb and continues in kindergarten and onwards. ”
Children are particularly susceptible to dirty air, as pollutants can have an impact on their development that is permanent. The impacts begin before birth, with studies linking pollution to low birth weight and premature birth.
Exposure to high levels of pollutants in childhood have been shown to inhibit lung capacity, cause asthma, lead to higher levels of respiratory disease and ear infections, and increase the risk of allergies – and they may also affect brain development.
Children are more exposed to filthy air than adults because they have a faster breathing rate, are closer to the ground and are outdoors more.
Reducing the sources of air pollution – including road traffic, coal and solid fuel burning, and industrial emissions, is key – but action should also be taken to reduce the specific risks to children, according to the EEA. These could include putting clean air zones around schools, where traffic would be restrained and idling engines prohibited. Local authorities and schools should also look at planting trees, ivy screens and hedge fences around playgrounds.
The EEA’s publication, entitled Europe’s Air Quality Status 2023, published on Monday, covers 37 countries, including all EU member states and countries such as Turkey, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, and examines air pollutants including particulates, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and sulphur dioxide.
Eastern European states came out worst, largely owing to the burning of coal for domestic heating, along with Italy, where industrial pollution in the Po Valley was identified as a key problem.
Across Europe, 97% of the population, of all ages, were exposed to levels of air pollution higher than those deemed safe by the World Health Organization, according to the EEA.
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